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OPERATION 23: The Battle Plans

If you couldn't already guess from the title, these are my battle plan for 2023. Why do I compare my hopes and dreams and goals to war, you ask? Because this life is nothing if not a battle, and I find that mentality is one of the best to have in this day and age. Besides, doesn't the title just sound cool? Maybe that's just the spy in me.

Regardless, I have a lot of plans for the following year. 2022 has been a wild one for me, what with attending my first writer's conference, getting to hug my two best friends for the first time (I love you both!!), and having an agent possibly interested in my book (a book I only just fell in love with this year, I might add).

I'm not gonna lie, it's been one heck of a ride. I've learned a lot over this past year. I've grown. I've realized my dreams have the very distinct possibility of becoming reality. I've passed milestones and began forging my own path (okay, more like I just started limbing, but let's not get too ahead of ourselves, shall we?).

I'm not going to call these resolutions, 'cause in my experience, those don't last too long. When generals make out their plan of attack, they don't go, "Let's make a resolution to get past that strongpoint today, shall we?" or "What say we don't get killed, eh?" No, they say, "We are making it into that strongpoint today, and I'm giving you men an hour to clear the place, copy?" or "Don't any of you die on me today, or I'll kill you, capeesh?"

Does everything always work out the way it's "supposed to"? No. Men go out and fight and die on the battlefield, and we go and make goals and try our hardest to keep them, only to watch them burn to ashes.

Yes, that last part might be a little bit dramatic (are we shocked?), but my point is things don't always pan out how we want them to. Will I accomplish every stinkin' thing on my list for this next year? Probably not. And is that a bad thing? No. Why? 'Cause at least I know I tried and failed, which is better than not trying at all.

Because what do we do after failing?

We get up.

We brush ourselves off.

And then. We try. Again.

So! With that being said, here are my battle plans for the next year, otherwise known as OPERATION 23.


🔺Project known as Volt and Co.

  • Finish it. (How long have I been saying this?)

  • Edit and revise said WIP. (That should be fun...)

  • Possibly start querying it. (Yikes!)

  • TENTATIVE—I'd love to get it contracted within the next year, but we'll see. 😂

💖Project known as StLS (Seize the Love short)

  • Write.

  • Edit.

  • Send out to Beta readers.

  • Publish in the Seize the Love Anthology I'm co-hosting with Abigail Harris in February!

😎Project known as POJ #1

  • Brainstorm, outline, basically re-think the whole thing.

  • Start writing.

*Stares at list* Wow, it's so much longer written out like that. But that's what fittin' to happen come the new year! And I'm not even going to wait till then. Project StLS is current and will probably be partly completed when the calendar flips to 2023. Project POJ #1 is ongoing, but I would love to devote more attention to it. And what's not on the list is Project **** and Project ****. No, you can't know what they are yet, but soon, soon my friend!

I also have several books I'm going over for multiple friends, so between my own projects and theirs, I'll be kept on my toes!


Reading... Okay, here's the deal. I love reading. In fact, I love various genres (much like my writing). So, I'll always read of my own accord. *Clears throat* But then there's this friend I have that always seems to rope me into multiple challenges and dares and whatnot, and if you know me, you know I don't have a bone in my body that isn't competitive. *Achem* Yes, I do happen to be in a reading challenge at the moment, why do you ask? 😅

Challenges and dares and whatnot aside, there are several books releasing in 2023 that I cannot wait to get my hands on!

The Looking-Glass Illusion by Sara Ella

Battling of the Stars by P.D. Atkerson

VIGIL & ANTE Book #2 by Megan McCollough

Lost Time by P.D. Atkerson

Oh, the Lamented by Abigail Harris

H.O.M.E by P.D. Atkerson

Critical Threat by Lynette Eason

And that's just the ones that I know are releasing next year! I'm quite positive I'll find more releases as the year progresses, which is good news for all of you who've enjoyed my book lists. 😁 Stay tuned! I have more planned. 😎


Sometimes I forget that there's more going on than just reading and writing. 👀 But besides those two important aspects of life, I have my sights set on possibly another cross-country trip... to Tennessee... in the summer... Any guesses as to what that could possibly be? 😇

I also have plans for expanding my old garden this spring. I also want to participate in the Spring 100 and go swimming as much as possible this summer. I have a workout schedule I've been good at sticking to and want to continue with. Quite possibly I'll be starting up a small business and trying out the farmer's market come summer (Again with summer. Have y'all guessed that it's my favorite season yet?).

Then there are the unknown variables that just pop up outa nowhere and hit you like a semi going 90 down the freeway. God really has a sense of humor, doesn't He? We think we have just everything planned out, then wham! Reality check. Yeah, we aren't the ones in control here. And good thing for me, because if my entire life was in my hands, I would surely die. 😆

And while things may not go exactly the way I would prefer them to in the following year, that's okay by me. It's the sideroads and hidden gems that make life exciting and, quite frankly, enjoyable. I'm okay with a little unknown in my future. I have a great Someone at the wheel.

All that being said, I'd like to encourage you to add something to your list of goals or resolutions or jot a note in your battle plans. Better yet, write this on a sticky note and slap it right in the center of your goals: Make time for the little things.

Seriously. Life is hectic, crazy, unpredictable, exhausting, all of the above. But it's the little things we remember. Spending those fifteen minutes talking with your parents. Playing a game with your siblings. Being okay with not getting everything done. Life is a journey, my friend. Enjoy the ride.

So how about you? What do your battle plans for 2023 looking like? Got anything exciting planned? Let's compare plans of attack down below

Catch ya on the flip side!



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Dec 26, 2022

I loved this post, girl!!! 🥰 And that hug... It was da best. 🥺 I need another soon. Hopefully this summer in Tennessee, right? 😏😎 Oh, and for the record, you adore the challenges just as much as I do despite all your grumbles and groans. 😎 But I liked how you put friend in italics. Made me feel special. 😏🤣 I'm rooting for you this next year!! You can accomplish all of this and more! With the help of a few challenges... 😎

M.L. Milligan
M.L. Milligan
Jan 04, 2023
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Yeah... that's what I'm afraid of. 👀🤣🤗🤎


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Image by Taylor Brandon
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