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My Autumn Bucket List | I have beautiful things planned.

*Breathes in deep* Well, y'all, summer will officially have come and gone tomorrow. Today is the last we shall see of summer for another year.

I feel like I'm the only one saddened by this. 🤣

But, to prove that I am not, in fact, an autumn hater, I have compiled a Fall Bucket List and decided to share it with y'all. Some of these things go without being said at my house. Others I'll have to try harder to accomplish. But all in the name of fall! Because I do not hate fall. In fact, as one person once said:

"I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house." Nathaniel Hawthorne

I think he knew what he was talking about.

So! Without further ado . . .

My Autumn Bucket List

🍂 Read my Fall TBR

🍁 Make a home-made chai latte

🍂 Have a bonfire night!

🍁 Bake cinnamon rolls

🍂 Take a walk in the rain

🍁 Decorate for fall 🥰

🍂 Get a new candle

🍁 Have a candle-lit writing session

🍂 Read my pre-ordered copy of The Looking-Glass Illusion

🍁 Drink hot chocolate

🍂 Have a movie night

🍁 Be creatively free in my choosing my writing projects

🍂 (Try) to do some sketching

🍁 Bake dessert for Thanksgiving

🍂 Go book shopping

🍁 Make a book haul

🍂 Journal more

🍁 Zoom calls with my ToC fam 😎

🍂 Buddy read some books

🍁 Go thrifting

🍂 Make chicken pot pie soup and fresh bread for supper

🍁 Ride bareback down dirt roads

🍂 Do a baking zoom call

🍁 Stargaze

🍂 Dabble with photography

🍁 Make autumn decorations

🍂 Rake leaves and jump in them

🍁 Get a new hoodie

🍂 Go craft shopping

🍁 Get crafty with said craft shopping haul 😂

🍂 Re-organize my closet

🍁 Go hiking

🍂 Play 221 B Baker St with the fam

🍁 Crochet a chunky scarf

🍂 Read Agatha Christie

🍁 Hang up fairy lights

🍂 Make a fall wreath

🍁 Visit that small book shop I’ve always wanted to go to

🍂 Dance to fall-y music

🍁 Finish that crochet pumpkin I started last year . . .

🍂 Make birdseed pinecones for the sparrows

And much more that I'm sure I'll remember the second I post this. 😂 But that's the fun of lists! You can add to them as much as you want. I know I do!

What are some of your favorite fall traditions? Have you made your Fall Reading list yet? Are you a Pumpkin Spice or a Chai latte person? I'd love to know!

Catch ya on the flip side!

_Mac 🤎

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Sep 24, 2023

You are most definitely not the only one clinging to summer. *Raises hand* 😂 I love that quote!! With the official day of fall I'm finally beginning to give in and accept the fact that summer has past. *Sigh* Ack! That hurts to admit!! 😆

M.L. Milligan
M.L. Milligan
Sep 25, 2023
Replying to

🤣 I'll tell you why it hurts--it went from nice and warm to freezing WAY too quick! 😳 But now that it's officially fall, I can accept it . . . or work on it. 🤣


Sep 22, 2023

Oooh so many cozy fall feels!! I love it! Also... *melts* riding bareback down dirt roads... that is SO dreamy, I love it!!! Ahh I just love all of those! And I'm definitely a Chai Latte person!!

Sep 25, 2023
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Oo I bet!! 😊 Yay!! *high fives*


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Image by Taylor Brandon
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