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Let's Catch Up

Hey friends! I thought I'd do something a little different than what you've been seeing on my blog lately. And I would like to apologize for my recent technical difficulties. If you caught them, I am so sorry. I can't say it won't happen again, 'cause... well, ugh, they hit me out of nowhere. But I will keep on top of them as I find them. *Hides* And if you didn't, then phew! You didn't miss much. šŸ˜… I also revamped the home page a tad (thank you, glitches). What do you think? Oh, and now it should now be a bit more friendly towards mobile devices. #newblogger over here or what? *Face desk*

It's Officially Fall...

I don't know about you, but I still cannot believe today is the last day of October. Where did the month go? Where did the year go?! I'm still reeling. I love summer. I didn't want summer to end! Then it got cooler, and I was like "Okay, Fall it is then."

That's actually a mindset I should've adopted sooner since this winter seems bound and determined to show up early and leave late (the exact opposite of scene rules, if you writers out there haven't noticed. šŸ˜‰ Yes, I did that on purpose. Ain't I clever?). We already got snow. Snow! No, not inches or feet, but a flurry still counts as snow in my book. We don't get snow till Thanksgiving at the earliest, people! What am I going to do? I barely just got over summer. I can't skim over fall this fast! *Scatters pumpkins and woodland creatures faster* It can't be winter till I say so, snow or not. Yes, I am that stubborn.

It was sad, though. Going outside after being briefed that it had frozen the night before and finding my beautiful zinnias a sickly shade of wilted greenish brown. They were Polar Bears, too. *Sobs*

And that commenced the great garden clean-up of fall 2022. All the frostbitten tomato plants, the cucumbers, the beans and peas, and yes, the zinnias, got ripped out and tossed to eager chickens. But at least I got pictures of my beautiful flowers before the frost stole in and murdered my plants.

And the mums! We seem to have accumulated quite the collection. I've counted four different colors so far. If you keep them reactively sheltered through the winter months, you'd be amazed how strong they come back the next year! (Aren't the red ones pretty though? šŸ˜)

I have been reading more lately though! (More on that in my newsletter, coming out tomorrow if you haven't signed up yet!). Fall just for some reason puts me in the mood for reading. I read a new release (which I pre-ordered!), most of a newer suspense series, and finished buddy reading the classic tale of King Arthur with my bestie! Robin Hood has to be my favorite by Howard Pyle, but King Arthur wasn't too bad!

King's Daughters' Writing Camp!

Want to know another reason I love fall (besides the coziness, the colors, and the chai lattes)? The King's Daughters' Writing Camp opens in November! *Cues the confetti cannons*

KDWC has such a special place in my heart. I joined my very first one back in November 2020, which was their second ever camp, so I'm the newer of the oldies when it comes to campers. šŸ˜‰ For those of you who have never heard of KDWC, it's a virtual writer's camp, with tents and "Aunties" acting as counselors. You can sprint, crawl, connect with fellow Christian girls (it's a female-only groupā€”sorry guys!), get help on writerly questions, and work on your WIPs.

I absolutely love this place. It's where I met my very best friends, and I have such love and respect for the ladies who put it on. I highly suggest you check it out if you haven't already! I'm not sure how much writing I'll actually get done, as I'm in a... *Scratches head* let's just say interesting phase of my writing currently. But I do intend to finish this book and get it out into the publishing market at some point (Lord willing, sooner than later) so I won't be lacking in that department. Even if my characters give me grief, which I totally seen happening. Raise your hand if your characters dictate your books. Oh, you too? Phew. Not just mine.

On Another Note...

I've also been practicing my guitar more lately! Ever heard "Brothers" by Dean Brody? (Thanks for breaking my heart with that one, Abigail. I love you for it. šŸ¤£) It's really a beautiful song, if country and military are your thingā€”which they are mine. Eh, my guitar skills are far from astounding, but it keeps me occupied. Like I ever have an abundance of free time to myself or anything. Anybody else out there just have the busiest past couple of months? Please tell me I'm not alone!


Now, as for goals. I'm a big list person. I make lists for my weekly to-do, random writing ideas, bucket lists, you name it, it's probably on a list. This post was on a list! What can I say. Lists keep me on track. šŸ˜œ So an end-of-the-month post would be nothing without, you guessed it, a list.

  • Finish Rogue. (I'd really love for this to happen. Prayers I stay inspired would be greatly appreciated!)

  • Acquire inventory for my shop

  • Read more broadly (I've found myself sticking to certain genres. Time to branch out!)

  • Stay consistent with my blogging

  • Foreign language (I seriously need to just pick one and stick with it for a while. What do you think: Irish, Spanish, German, or Russian? Help, please! šŸ˜‚)

So, what about you? Any November goals or summer memories you want to share? Let's chat in the comments!

Catch ya on the flip side!



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Ooh, ooh! I vote Spanish!! Then we can talk in the same foreign language. šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜† Yay for goals! I hope you accomplish it all! Or should I say... I'll make sure you accomplish it all. šŸ˜ Watch out. Loved this post, girl!!

M.L. Milligan
M.L. Milligan

Haha, one vote for Spanish then! Oh dear, I know you will too! Thanks girl! šŸ¤Ž

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