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CLASSIFIED vs CLASSIFIED. Yes, you read that right.

What's up all you beautiful people? Boy, do I have a doozy for you today. A friend and fellow author of mine has generously allowed two of her characters to be interviewed, and the transcripts from that meeting are now in my hands. I would be lying if I said I haven't been excited for this post. The characters are two favorites of mine and hearing their replies has been quite enjoyable. I'm not dropping any names, but I'm curious: Do you know who these people are? I'd love to hear your best guesses!







(NOTE: This interview was conducted at a secure location. My gratitude to both participants. They will graciously (*achem* or not *achem*) be answering both the same questions. For the individuals’ protection (and mine) they will be referred to as SHERLOCK and MORIARTY.)



First, how do you define “patriotism”?

Having no spine, and letting the government walk all over you.

What is your favorite weapon?

The Death Star, it could easily solve the world’s problems.

If you could turn back time, how far back would you go? What would you change?

Oh… There are several things I would do, but most of them would end with a paradox of me never being born.

What is your favorite childhood memory?

When it was over.

Would you rather freeze to death or be burned alive?

A bullet through the head is way more likely than either of those.

Who do you despise the most?

I despise everyone equally.

Who has/had the biggest impact on who you are today?

This is anonymous, correct? In that case, I’d reluctantly admit, my cousin. For unknowingly being the driving force been my actions, and for ruining my life, of course… Don’t forget, if I ever find out he read this, I will destroy you.

Who do you think was the smartest man to ever have walked on earth?

Me, obviously.

What is your favorite pastime?

Annoying people.

What is the one thing that you wished was different about yourself?

That I didn’t have such a magnetic personality, and charming good looks.

What’s your favorite time of the year?

When it’s over.

What is the first piece of advice you’d give to your child (assuming you’d ever marry, of course)?


What is your oddest quirk?

Isn’t ‘odd’ a matter of perspective?

In your opinion, what kills the most brain cells?

Answering stupid questions.



Before we start, I’d just like to give a shout out to my loving father who made me do this.

First, how do you define “patriotism”?

Serving and protecting your country, even from threats from within.

What is your favorite weapon?

The human mind, it’s like most weapons. Some people know how to use it, some people don’t.

If you could turn back time, how far back would you go? What would you change?

I don’t know. There are a few things I might change, but I haven’t really thought about it. Besides, those things made me who I am, so I probably wouldn’t.

What is your favorite childhood memory?

Eating Dad’s chocolate chip pancakes.

Would you rather freeze to death or be burned alive?

I don’t much mind the cold, and I’m not a fan of smoke, so I’d have to go with freeze to death.

Who do you despise the most?

Well, there’s a difference between despising someone and wanting to wring the life out of his scrawny little neck.

Who has/had the biggest impact on who you are today?

In a positive way? My father. In a negative way? Well, he knows who he is.

Who do you think was the smartest man to ever have walked on earth?

It really depends on the kind of ‘smart’ we’re talking about, doesn’t it? Street smart, book smart, Maxwell Smart.

What is your favorite pastime?

Duping people.

What is the one thing that you wished was different about yourself?

Sometimes I wished I was normal, but that would be quite the task.

What’s your favorite time of the year?

Winter, as long as I’m not freezing to death.

What is the first piece of advice you’d give to your child (assuming you’d ever marry, of course)?

Do not follow in the family business, I’ve seen how many gray hairs it caused my dad.

What is your oddest quirk?

My dad would make me say eating pie without the crust, but I really don’t see how that’s weird.

In your opinion, what kills the most brain cells?

Black and white movies.


Well, I don't know about you, but it isn't every day you get much more than a few words out of these tight-lipped persons, so this was quite the treat. Now, any guesses as to who these charming human beings are? I can't wait to hear!


About P. D. Atkerson

P.D. Atkerson is a homeschooled writer, living in Montana. She spends almost as much time in the worlds she creates as she does the real one. When she’s not reporting the stories of her agents, she’s making cakes, learning different languages, or traveling to different worlds through the portals of books. She has a black belt in sarcasm and a master’s degree in useless facts. For behind-the-scenes info check out her blog at P.D. Atkerson (


Catch ya on the flip side!



Nov 29, 2022

This was such a fun interview to read!!

Dec 01, 2022
Replying to

Ooh, fun!!! I love interviews!


Nov 29, 2022

Definitely one of the most complex cousin relationships is portrayed here. 😎I loved reading this and am 99.9 percent sure about these two’s identities. 😉

~Lacey W

M.L. Milligan
M.L. Milligan
Nov 29, 2022
Replying to

Ah, yes, but it's just so much fun to see their struggles... I'm so glad you enjoyed this!🤎


Nov 28, 2022

Hahaha! Oh yeah, I knew! Even before you revealed the author. 🤓

~ Angie

M.L. Milligan
M.L. Milligan
Nov 28, 2022
Replying to

Oh, did you now! 😏


Nov 28, 2022

OHHHHHHH I love this so much!! 🤣🤣🤣

And is it bad that I knew who they would be before I even started reading the questions? 🤣🤭

But really - these are EXACTLY the answers I would have expected. From BOTH of them 🤣 *glares at one and hugs the other*

*still laughing at some of the answers*

I loved "Don't follow in the family business" 🤭

And really, "Moriarty", he didn't ruin your life. You ruined his.

~Lydia Coral W

M.L. Milligan
M.L. Milligan
Nov 28, 2022
Replying to

Haha!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! It was especially fun for me. 😏 Good job on guessing! I have a feeling you're right. 😉


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