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Top Five Mystery Books

*Wind howls through the trees and rattles the old windowpanes*


Hehe, sorry. Couldn't help it. Right blustery out there, ain't it? Here, come sit by the fire. *Curls up in a large wingback chair* Perfect mystery weather out, if you ask me. That's why I got— *reveals a stack* —these to keep me company. There are few things better than a good mystery. Here's are some of my favorites!

This was the first book of Lynette's I'd read, and it was a good one. I liked how there was action and exciting things happening, but she didn't go overboard describing what could've been a lot more gory and just unnecessary. Definitely not for everyone, but enough for me that it now sits on my shelf next to its siblings (AKA, the rest of the series).

*sighs* Nancy Drew... Okay, I grew up on the abridged versions and loved them. Then I found out the originals. The originals and the unabridged are so drastically different to the point of being a completely different story sometimes. The original Secret of Shadow Ranch was fair. But I just love the abridged so much more. Yes, I know, it's not the real one. But I still love it. Like, it's my favorite out of all of them (of the abridged ones that it. Still working on my original collection ;)).

I'm rather new to the Perry Elizabeth Fanclub, but don't mistake my membership date for my loyalty or liking rank. I can't get enough of this series! You won't believe (or maybe you've been there and can) how hard it is to find good, clean spy books these days! It's ridiculous! Perry did an excellent job with Brent and Emily in this little bundle of fun series.

It took some effort picking out my favorite one (picture me staring at the entire series on a shelf and wondering just how I could pick only one) but I gotta say, Five Star Spy is just a tad more fun than the rest. But I did say I loved them all, right? Like, all all of them?

Exploit. I can't make a list of anything without a book of P.D.'s showing up on it. *grins* Maybe that's cause her books fall under the categories of "absolutely awesome" and "must-have-on-shelf-ASAP." Gregory's in the thick of it yet again with this installment of Deadlock #2. Seriously, this kid cannot stay out of trouble (even though most of it isn't his doing.) Exploit's setting was unique, not that I've read many books set inside juvie, but hey. There's a first for everything, right? ;)

Another classic. And this time I mean the original, folks. In my humble opinion, the original Hardy Boys are far superior to the abridged. Frank and Joe are younger, more independent, and the book doesn't skimp on the details. I think the abridged are really toned down, as this edition was far more interesting and tell-it-like-it-is. As of writing this... I only have one original Hardy Boys in my possession (this one, if you couldn't guess), but that is a problem I wish to remedy soon.

So there you have it! Five books perfect for those blustery, moody kinda days that practically beg you to read a mystery. How about you? What are some of your favorite mysteries?

And, if you haven't done so yet, be sure to enter the giveaway for the grand prize! You can find that and more here at Kate's post.

Catch ya on the flip side!


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12 comentarios

08 oct 2022

Eek!! MYSTERY!!! I'm late to this post but better late than never, right? I love mystery!! Awesome post, girl! 💙

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M.L. Milligan
M.L. Milligan
10 oct 2022
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Hahaha, you're good. I know, me too!! I so need more. Thank you!

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06 oct 2022

Ahhh, welcome to the fanclub! I have the worst time choosing a favorite too, but Five Star Spy has one of the best covers if only for Emily's dress. Nice recs!

~Kate Willis

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M.L. Milligan
M.L. Milligan
06 oct 2022
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Haha, thank you! Ugh, I know! My sister literally came into the room when I was debating how hard I could knock my head against the wall without damaging drywall and said, "Five Star Spy." I was like, "Huh?" Somehow, she knew that was just a smidge above the rest. Sisters. 😂

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06 oct 2022

I've read two or three of these... I've forgotten which Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew books I've read so I'm not sold on which I read. I love the Emily Abbott books and Lynette Eason's Blue Justice series is a favorite contemporary mystery series. I'm hoping to read Exploit tonight, actually!! You are to blame, girl! 😜

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M.L. Milligan
M.L. Milligan
06 oct 2022
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Haha! I will forever love being blamed for making people read books. 😎 You should have some coffee with that. 😉 You'll need something to go with the mind-blowingness of that book.

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05 oct 2022

Another recommendation for Emily Abbott!!!! :D I really should go see how many times it's been recommended. And by the way, that's my favorite of the series too. There is just something about Emily talking to herself and calling people names that had me cracking up!

And yes!!!! I could agree more about the Hardy Boys books! The original ones are the best! I've read both versions and the writing style of the newer ones is so choppy, juvenile, and altered from the originals that it isn't even funny! Check thrift stores online for more of the original reprints. :D


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M.L. Milligan
M.L. Milligan
05 oct 2022
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Woah, no way! So cool!

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05 oct 2022

Ahh, now this is a good list :D I need to read the first one…


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M.L. Milligan
M.L. Milligan
05 oct 2022
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Thank you! Yes, it was pretty good. I'm not the hugest fan of Lynette's writing style, but it was an interesting read.😁

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