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Top Five Indie Books

Hello again, beautiful people! *Hands you a pumpkin spice latte in a fall mug* Thanks for stopping by my little post! Are you ready for my Top Five Indie Books?

By far, I read the most out of this genre. I have many friends whose Indie books I own (some of which you shall see below!), and my Indie shelf is one of the largest on my bookshelf.

Got your TBR list handy? Alright, here we go...

Okay... *sips chai latte with a smirk* I know several people who won't agree with me here. If you're a P.D. Atkerson fan, then you must know Lever, SLU (Simon Lee Universe for those non-agents out there)'s ultimate villain, the one who brings the spice to the plot. The kid who you'd swear you could never understand. I flipped when I learned P.D. was giving him his own series (The Castling series). Out of every book in SLU history, if you asked me to pick my favorite, I would say Smoke Screen so fast it'd make your head spin.

I'll admit, this was the first historical fiction book set in Australia I'd ever read. There should be more, guys! The setting is so intriguing, and definitely a great place to use a wide variety of plots. Take Jayne's Endeavour for instance. Jayne and her two sisters are struggling to keep their family farm afloat amidst trials and surprises. I was very much impressed at the squeaky cleanness of this book. My compliments to Lauren. And it's a trilogy, so keep an eye out for books two and three!

Oof, y'all. *Stares at the book* This was the second book of Kassie's that I'd read. And let me tell ya, this book is completely heart-warming and adorably sweet one second, then sob-inducing and heart-breakingly sharp the other. Random fun fact about me: I don't cry over books. Like, ever. And I came oh so close to it with this one. If you like true, hard-core emotional military-style books, then you've found your next read.

I love a good sci-fi. Granted, I haven't read very many, but on my list, this ranks right up at the top. This book is simply heartwarming in a way that I haven't felt from a book in a long time. The characters are amazing, and the plot is perfect, and the twist—the twist you guys! Agh! I loved it! In fact, I loved it so much, I did an in-depth review on it. *grins* You can check that out here. :)

*Downs my chai and thunks the mug on the counter* Okay, listen up. If you do anything after reading this post (which, by the way, thank you for doing that! You're awesome.), order this book. Seriously. I'm dying to get the rest of this series on my shelf. This prequel is the perfect set up for the Oh, the Brave series, which, if it's any indication as to how the rest of the series will pan out, is going to be AMAZING! Abigail is one of the biggest reasons I found the military fiction genre, and there's no looking back for me now. Patriotism at its finest, raw and emotional facts of life, laying down your life for others.... *picks up mug to drink it only to remember it's empty* Please, check this book out. You will not be sorry.

And now for today's deal of the day...

The Night Archers by Kate Willis

And don't forget to enter the giveaway if you haven't already! You can find that, as well as Kate's Top Five here!

What are some of your top Indie picks?

Catch ya on the flip side!



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