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Seize the Moment Submissions are OPEN! | Here's the scoop...

Seize the Fight released this week, you guys!! ACK! I couldn't be more stoked about this one.

But we're not here to talk about Seize the Fight. Nope! We're here to talk about the next and final installment of the Seize the world anthology collection: Seize the Moment.

More importantly, the fact that SUBISSIONS ARE OPEN!


Here are the rules:

🍂 Short stories must use at least one prompt from the inspiration board.

🍁Submissions close August the 13th; the book's release date is September 23rd

🍂 Each story must be between 3,000 to 5,000 words

🍁 Each story must have a focus on mercy in some form

The stories will be read by August 30th and chosen shortly thereafter. Our editing team will look over the stories for proof edits and suggestions, which will then be shown to the authors.

Here's where you can submit!

I can't wait to read y'all's stories!

Catch ya on the flip side! _Mac 🤎


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