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The Playlist’s the thing! | My favorite ambiences for every genre.

I am undoubtedly a musical gal. My brain works best with some sort of noise in the background (or blaring in the forefront, as it were 🤭).

It's gotten to the point where if I hear a certain song or ambience, my brain will immediately switch to that story world mode—whether I'm working on it in the moment or not!

While I love finding songs that fit certain characters, ambiences are my go-to as of late. And really, when you start looking for them, you can find playlists put together for just about every genre under the sun and then some. 😅

So, to make your life a little easier, here are some of my favorites for multiple genres. 😊





Epic / Adventure


Fairytale Retelling

Dark Academia



There y'are, folks! I hope this helps stir some of your creative juices and gets those words flowing. 😊

Have you listened to any of these playlists? What is your favorite go-to: lyrical or ambience? And who else can hear a song/playlist/ambience and go Hey, thats [INSERT WIP HERE]? 😂

Catch ya on the flip side!

_Mac 🤎

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