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Every Ambience You'll Ever Need . . . Sorta.

What’s up, guys! I hope you had a fantabulous January. All that holiday wind-down and sugar detoxing is a bit of a rollercoaster, but it’s almost February and I’m . . . already itching to get a garden going. 🙄

No, that’s not going to happen. The ground is still frozen solid, and baby sprouts don’t thrive in bricks of soil. Unless we’re talking about chamomile. I’ve been finding those little buggers all over the yard. If you’re looking for a great crop that’s aesthetically pleasing and impossible to kill, I’ve got the perfect plant for you. 👍

January has been a bit of an . . . let’s just say “interesting” month. I started out with grand plans of all the glorious words I’d write and all the challenges I’d accomplish.

Well, I got almost nothing done in PROJECT Volt and Co. and some of my challenges have fallen to the back burner. The back burner that I might have forgotten to turn on. Wups.

But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy! Far from it, my friend. Chaos seems to follow me wherever I go, and while I don’t necessarily mind (most of the time), it tends to override my system. I get stuck on full power. On Monday I’m dreaming of all the nothing I’ll do on the Sabbath, then the Sabbath finally arrives, and I find myself wandering the house, wishing I could break out my laptop and, you guessed it, get some work done.

I’m working on it, okay? 😂

Yes, I got TONS of editing and formatting and random things that kept popping up for Seize the Love done this month (eeh!!), but come February, I am so looking forward to getting some quality writing in. This book is begging me to finish it, smooth it out, re-read through it, edit it, revise it, deepen the character ARCS, complicate the plot threads, blur all the facts, and sharpen my surprise twists.

I’m so ready to write “Finis” on the last page, y’all.

But writing requires getting into the mood of the story. There are several ways to do this (which I shall compile in a future post? Comment down below if you want a “Getting into Your Book” post from me!). But my absolute, hands-down favorite is through music. Specifically, ambience.

There are all kinds of ambiences, for a boatload of genres, feels, moods, and preferences. I’ve compiled some of my favorites, and let me tell you, I didn’t realize what a wide variety of ambiences I listen to till I made this list! I’ve got Fantasy, Sci-fi, Instrumental, and even Pirate. *Blinks* And yes, I have them organized by category on a master document, ‘cause . . . that’s just me. 😂

Here we go!



Celtic Irish Epic

Celtic Fantasy



Epic Power






Magical Fantasy



Villainous Classical

Dramatic Violin

Beautiful Piano

Nostalgic Fairytale



Pirate Attack

Celtic Pirate



Rainy Clock Tower

Rainy Reading Nook



Beyond Infinity

Ethereal Space

Epic Infinity




Crime Scene Spy


That was quite a bit more than I was expecting. I’m a very musical person, so certain songs and ambiences carry a lot of emotion and memories in their notes.

Like one sci-fi ambience playlist I didn’t include in this post because of . . . well, let’s just say I associate it with a very emotional book, and one very heartbreaking scene in particular, and even just hearing two seconds of it brings those memories and emotions flooding back.

Yes, I’m weird, and I know it. 🤪

So there you have it! I hope you find something you enjoy from this post. Make sure to comment down below if you found a new favorite playlist to listen to, or if you know of one I didn’t include!

Catch ya on the flip side!

_Mac 🤎

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