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I Did It Again | New Year book tag

Happy February, friends! Passes around lattes and tea Can you believe we're already 1 month into 2024?? ACK! Where's the time going?? Straight out the window, that's where. šŸ˜…

I haven't done a tag in a while, and when my bestie over at Allyson Jamison did this one, I thought I'd give it a go!

Ques the unscrolling of lists and incriminating evidence

First Book of the Year

My first book of the year was one of my absolute favorite classicsā€”An Old-Fashioned Girl by Louisa May Alcott!

This is my winter read. I love pulling this gorgeous tome out every December and this year, I added a few tabs as well. šŸ˜ (Guys. If you have never tried book tabs, you need to. My life has been changed. There's no going back now.) Please tell me you've read this beautiful book. You haven't? Well then. You have something you need to do now. Nods

Reading Goal

Goodreads Goal: 250 books. (Yes, I just keep upping my goal every year. What can I say? I'm competativeā€”even if it's just against myself. šŸ˜…)

Reading Challenges

Achem. Reading Challenges?? Why would you think I have any of those? Nervous laughter

Yeah, okay, I have quite a few. šŸ™ˆ Enter the incriminating evidence . . .

  • Reading the Bible in 30 days (Update: I actually have completed this! It was tons of fun, especially 'cause I did it with a friend. šŸ˜)

  • Read 30 books in 60 days (Starting February and ending March 31st. [Thank you, leap year!] Me and a friend [have you guess who this crazy friend of mine is yet??] have a ton of prompts for this one, so hopefully my physical TBR will thank me at the end of this. šŸ˜Ž)

  • Read my entire Physical TBR (If y'all have seen my recent newsletters, you'll know this isn't an easy feat . . .)

  • Read a classic a month

  • Read every book that has been on my "Currently Reading" shelf for over a year

That last one might be interesting . . . I don't even know how many books are on that list! So if you don't hear from me for an extended period of time, don't bother to send out the cavalry, just look for a giant pile of books. That pile of books will be me. šŸ‘€

Genre(s) you want to focus on this year

šŸ§Ø Suspense/Thriller šŸ§Ø

āœØ Classics āœØ

šŸŒ Dystopian šŸŒ

If y'all have any good recs for dystopian, PLEASE! Help a girl out?? I so want to read more (or any, at this point šŸ˜†) since it's the genre I'm writing in. If y'all have any good ones up your sleeve, I would be most appreciative!

Author you want to read their backlist

Ooooh, this is a great question. Continues to wrack my brain for an unspecified amount of time

All right, I'm going to cheat just a bit and give you three:

I've already read plenty by these fantastic ladies, and if I could, I would own every single book of theirs right now.

(And, seriously, if you haven't read any of these ladies' books, then I command you to do so. Like, now. Immediately!)

Book goals for this year

Well, as I stated above, I have lots of challenges. But maybe I should tack on something about not blowing my budget on books. šŸ‘€ My wallet shrieks and runs for cover every time I pull up Thriftbooks or Pangobooks . . . and my bookshelves are getting tired of me re-arranging every single volume to make room for new siblings. šŸ¤£ I. Need. More. ROOM!


Taggers, up!

You! Yes, you! šŸ˜„

Well, that's it for now, folks!

Do you have a seasonal read? Who here has some dystopian books recs?? And please tell me I' not the only one who loves to join way too many challenges! šŸ™ˆ

Catch ya on the flip side!

_Mac šŸ¤Ž


Apr 02, 2024

If you like dystopias, you should check out R.M. Scheller's Extension Squad. It's set in a world where murderers do the grunt work for superheroes, and the main character is a superhero in training who gets in the slammer for killing someone while protecting his sister. chef's kiss It's like a potato chip bag but a book-- you have to binge them all.

Apr 05, 2024
Replying to

I've met her in person too; that's how I got the books! XD She's my mentor now and yes, she is amazing. Extension Squad is absolutely fantastic-- you've got sarcasm, a smidgen of romance, idiotic teen boys you want to hug one minute and cuff the next, and backstory that just wrenches your heart out and makes you want to give all the characters chocolate (but they can't have chocolate because they're criminals)


Feb 09, 2024

Ahh this is so fun Mac!!! I neeeeed to do more tag challenges!!! Ooo dystopian reccs....... the Talionis Series by CJ Milacci or the Edge Of Extinction by Laura Martin! (full disclosure those are the only dystopian books I've even read.... šŸ˜† sooo right back at ya Mac.... any dystopian reccs from you???? šŸ˜‚)

M.L. Milligan
M.L. Milligan
Feb 13, 2024
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XD Well, I hate to break it to you, but . . . you get hooked fast. XD Haha, well then, I need to look closer at my shelves . . .


Feb 09, 2024

I loved this post so much!! šŸ˜‚šŸ„° How much is too much for challenges?? šŸ¤”šŸ˜† I'm loving them all though and it's so much fun doing it with you! šŸ¤—šŸ’™ Thanks for always being my partner in crime. šŸ˜

Feb 09, 2024
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I'll second that!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Angie Thompson
Angie Thompson
Feb 09, 2024

I have a whole dystopian shelf on Goodreads... The two top recs that immediately spring to mind, though, are A.L. Buehrer's Dronefall series (be warned, the series is still in progress) and J.C. Buchanan's Proof of Purple.

M.L. Milligan
M.L. Milligan
Feb 09, 2024
Replying to

Ah, perfect! Thank you so much!! I will check those out, for sure. šŸ¤©šŸ¤Ž


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Image by Taylor Brandon
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