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A Book Blizzard | Blog swap with Bella Raine!

One of my favorite things about blogging is meeting and connecting with other bloggers. And today is no exception! The talented and amazing Bella Raine and I are swapping winter book lists, and let me tell you, I have several new reads on my TBR thanks to this girl. 🤭

Bella, take it away!

Hey there! It’s me, Bella Raine! (from over in that bookish corner of the Internet called Bella Raine 😉) 

I don’t know where you live but for me here in Tennessee our winters can be hit or miss. Most times, a “Tennessee Winter'' consists of 40° weather and freezing rain, sleet, and maaaybe the occasional few inches of snow. 😅 So yeah we don’t have the quintessential Hallmark white Christmas BUT that doesn’t mean winter isn’t an amazing time to curl up with a good book and some hot chocolate! 

So whether you are already freezing in feet of snow or you are sunning on the beach, today I’m sending you a blizzard of winter-y books!

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Once Upon A Wardrobe by Patti Callhan Henry

I’m a big C.S. Lewis fan, so I came into this book a bit skeptical, but I was super impressed! It was a fairly slow book but I say that as a compliment! Kind of Hallmark movie vibes, if you know what I mean? Yet I was still sucked into the story, and really enjoyed it! It was one of the very first adult fiction books I’ve read, but it almost didn’t seem like an adult book since it had a younger cast of characters (aside from C.S Lewis of course).

Lines Of Courage by Jennifer Nielsen

Gosh, I literally can’t say enough good things about Jennifer Nielsen’s books. I’ve read nearly every single one, and many of them multiple times over. But I have to say, out of all of Nielsen’s historical fiction novels, this one is my favorite. Set in the World War 1 era, this Middle Grade novel always leaves me craving for it to become a series not a standalone! 😂

Christmas Joy Ride by Melody Carlson

Okay, I gotta say this is VERY Christmas-y for a winter book list but it’s so enjoyable, I couldn’t NOT put it on here! This was just such a sweet book. I mean, a fiery 80 year old lady, a giant RV decked out in Christmas lights, families all over the country in need of some hope, and just a little splash of romance, it was just all around a lovely read!

The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

A classic that most of y’all probably know, but no less wonderful! C.S. Lewis and Narnia speak straight to my heart, and even though I prefer the 2000 BBC movie version, this book is still lovely! From the White Witch, the eternal winter, to of course Father Christmas, it’s truly a perfect winter read!

Felicity’s Surprise by Valerie Tripp

Anyone else grow up on these books? These books . . . ah they are so nostalgic. These American Girl doll books were some of the very first books I read, when I was like 4! (My sweet mom had to pre-read them all and whiteout or Sharpie over sentences she didn’t want 4-year-old me to read! And yes those are still the same copies we all use today! 😉) Each of the original American Girl Dolls have wintery or Christmasy books (usually the third one!) but I think my favorite has to be this one! Felicity was always my favorite of the dolls, and of course having the matching doll with the complete outfit like in this book probably helped! 😉 (My second favorite though would probably have to be Kirsten’s Surprise!)

The True Gift by Patrica MacLachlan

This is a rather short read, but my mom read this aloud to my family last year and I remember us all just loving it! It was such a sweet, and charming story about two little kids and a lonely white cow! I’m looking forward to reading it again this year! 🥰

Hunger Winter by Rob Currie

 This one has been on my “To Be Read” list for who knows how long but I’m so glad I buckled down and read it! I was pleasantly surprised when I got it to find it was published by a Christian publisher, part of its proceeds go to charity, and it was represented by a literary agent I was familiar with! 😅 Writer nerd-ness aside, this was a fantastic historical fiction set in the Netherlands in the 1940’s! A perfect amount of intensity for a Middle Grade book as well!

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Well there you have it friends! My seven favorite winter-y books! I hope this encourages you to head to the library, check out some books, and curl up with a plaid blanket and a paperback this winter!

Have you read any of these books?? What are your favorite winter reads? Hot chocolate or coffee?? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Until next time, 

Bella Raine 👋

Bella Raine is a fun-loving, creative, homeschooled young lady with a passion for pure books, fluid art, writing for His glory, fall weather, and the belief that it’s never too hot for sweatshirts! While working toward traditional publication for her Middle Grade novel, Bella loves creating and selling fluid art on her store, reading lots of books, drinking frozen kombucha, and hanging out with her family and friends on her small farm in Tennessee! Bella has already been published in two historical fiction anthologies and runs a blog about all things books, art, and writing. You can stop by her blog here or check out her store here! She would also love to connect with you through her email list!

Catch ya on the flip side!

_Mac 🤎

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