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History Buff Blog Tag | My inner nerd is showing . . .

Hello hello! It's been a while since I've done a blog tag, and even longer since I got tagged for this particular tag. 👀 Oops?

But this one I'm super excited for. Some of you may not know this, but I am a HUGE history buff. My first WIP was a historical YA set during the winter at Valley Forge in 1777-1778. (Quick poll, how many of you know of historical YA books out there? I seem to have found a niche. 😂)

But anyway! I'm super excited to dive into this blog tag. But first! Le rules:


  • Mention the creator, A.M. Watson, and link back to the original post! (Y'all, I loved her post.)

  • Link back to whoever tagged you (thanks, girl!)

  • Include Tag graphic—check!

  • Have fun answering the questions. This is your permission to go on a few history related rants, because let’s face it—history buffs enjoy doing that every now and again.

  • Tag other bloggers you would like to see answer the questions (Down below!)

An historical figure that you think was slightly misunderstood

Well . . . I was going to pick somebody, but A.M. already used Arnold, so I decided on another person.

Thomas Paine.

Hear me out here.

Thomas Paine is fascinating to me. This is the guy who captured the essence of why the American soldiers fought and put it into plain text, in words the common man understood. He was a firecracker with a temper, and, I personally believe, slightly misunderstood. (I also believe he was the one who drafted the original Declaration of Independence and not Thomas Jefferson, but that's a discussion for another time...)

He was, really, one of the first American authors.

And by far one of my favorite founding fathers.

Least favorite aspect of history to study

Probably Oriental history.

A figure from history that you would’ve loved to meet

Can I cheat and say Thomas Paine again? 😂 I'm not sure, there are SO MANY people I would've loved to meet. All the founding fathers, Abigail Adams, Molly Corbin, even people like Cleopatra, Elizabeth I, Eric the Red and Leif Erikson, Patrick . . . *pulls hair out trying to narrow it down*

Ugh, let's go with Thomas Paine. 🤣 Are you sensing a trend yet?

When you became interested in history

I'm not sure I can narrow that down to an age or date, but I can say it was at a very young age. Definitely before I was ten. Probably somewhere between four and eight. I was definitely a dedicated history buff by ten.😂

A pet peeve from history

How 'bout the fact that people are trying to take it away from us?

I mean, seriously. You know that saying about those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it? Yeah. We're repeating history over and over again. This whole thing about taking what really happened out of the history books? It's happened before.

Your favorite phrase from history

Oof, that's a tough one, because I have tons of phrases I love! But I'm going to go with the first one that comes to mind, and that's one from our man Benjamin Franklin.

We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.

Something from history that you think should be brought back

Morals. That undying passion of those who believed whole-heartedly in a cause. Cloaks. I'd be happy with at least one and over the moon at all three.

Pick your favorite era. Now tell us the worst event that took place in that era

Favorite Era: The American Revolution.

Worst event to take place in that ear?

Can I say the Boston Massare?

In truth, it wasn't much of a massacre. Not that many people died. It was the fact that the British opened fire on who were supposed to be their people that gets me riled. And it was a major pre-cursor to the most important war in American history, so . . . there is that.

An event in history that you can never remember the date of

World War II. 🤣😭 I can never for the life of me remember those dates—and that's a whole war!

You’ve time-traveled through history. What is one event you would choose to be present for?

The surrender at Yorktown. Hands down, I would've loved to see that. After so much war and pain and suffering, it finally ended.


Anyone else who sees this and wants to join in!

And that's all she wrote folks! I had a blast remembering all my favorite parts of history. This definitely makes me want to break out that ole Revolutionary War WIP. 🤭 (And don't forget to subscribe to my blog if you haven't already!)

Who was your favorite historical figure? What's your opinion of Thomas Paine? Who would you have loved to meet? Let's chat history!

Catch ya on the flip side! _Mac 🤎

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